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Re: Mental Health Month - what is psychosocial support and recovery?

@RachSANECEO  I really like the format, and would be very interested in seeing more videos of this type. I'd even be interested in watching more extensive interviews along these lines, even if I had to wait a bit to find some free time to properly watch it.

Regarding this particular video, I liked it; except that it didn't answer my main enduring question regarding psychosocial support, which is: Is it only for 'mentally ill' people? This is the issue that has constantly frustrated my efforts to try to understand what psychosocial support is, and where Australia currantly is in terms of it's adequacy.

Re: Mental Health Month - what is psychosocial support and recovery?

Thanks - love to hear it because this is actually a snippet of a conversation with Janet that was close to half an hour long!! We thought we’d post it in sections so that the length doesn’t put people off and that way people can engage with the different bits.

It was also (as you might be able to tell) relatively unplanned - literally just a first experiment with what might this be like so we are eager to learn and see what works.

Re: Mental Health Month - what is psychosocial support and recovery?

What does respect look like from your perspective @ArraDreaming

Re: Mental Health Month - what is psychosocial support and recovery?

Captions are so important too … for those of us watching videos on silent

Re: Mental Health Month - what is psychosocial support and recovery?

If they aren’t watched on silent they are ‘listened to’ with headphones like a podcast as opposed to watched lol.

Re: Mental Health Month - what is psychosocial support and recovery?

respect to me @RachSANECEO

Is listening to someone, giving someone the time and space they need, even if maybe they don’t always align with what you would do, or they have a different opinion on a certain topic (not counting abuse or violence). It’s giving someone a space to be heard unconditionally. Going into conversations with that person with no bias, so for example, people have given me chances when I havent been the best person to be around, but I was given an opportunity to be heard and it helped me, and now I don’t feel like whenever I enter into conversations with these people that there is a black cloud over the conversation because of my past actions, I actually be listened to and respected, despite history. I don’t know if that makes sense.

Re: Mental Health Month - what is psychosocial support and recovery?

i really like this topic of respect and i could go on all day that’s why that might not have made sense becsuse it’s a big topic for me I would actually like to talk more about it

Re: Mental Health Month - what is psychosocial support and recovery?

Hey @MissMuffet @Sophia1 @TAB @Kyle1 @exhaustedmum69 @Kaz67 @Shaz51 @Emelia8 @Captain24 , 


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Re: Mental Health Month - what is psychosocial support and recovery?

It’s like respect me for who I am now not who I was before

Re: Mental Health Month - what is psychosocial support and recovery?

Yeah that’s a great and really deep description of what respect looks like thanks so much for sharing that.