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Senior Contributor

NSW Government Inquiry Into Loneliness

The NSW Government is running an inquiry into loneliness in NSW, and it is open to submissions from the public:

If composing a submission from scratch seems a bit daunting, there is also a link on there to a survey you can fill out.

Since many people on here often remark on how lonely they are, I thought this might be of interest to many of the community here; an opportunity to have our voices and plights heard by the government for once.

I'm not sure about their policy on accepting submissions from interstate, but if the issues you wish to raise are universal (i.e. it's reasonable to believe that people in NSW are suffering from similar situations to your own), I suspect they'll be willing to accept your submission. I made a submission to the VIC Royal Inquiry into their mental health system, and it was accepted, even though I'm not Victorian - I suspect because the issues I raised were universal problems with the mental health system, equally present in Victoria as they are in every other state.

Submissions close on November 1.

If you can, make your voice heard! It's the only way we can ever hope to see meaningful change! These politicians generally don't have a clue about these problems until we tell them point-blank what we're going through, and what needs to be done about it!


Re: NSW Government Inquiry Into Loneliness

Thanks for sharing. A needful Inquiry @chibam 

Re: NSW Government Inquiry Into Loneliness

Hopefully some good changes come from it.  If it works well, then other states may follow... I'm looking at you SA!

Re: NSW Government Inquiry Into Loneliness

It is indeed, @tyme .

It seems like the powers that be might finally be starting to notice this crisis. It's a good sign, IMHO.

Illustration of people sitting and standing

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