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Community Lead

Support of JaynJules

Hi @JaynJules ,


Welcome to the forums. I thought I'd create this thread for you so that members can support you here.


I read that you are looking for support for CPTSD and BPD?


I can certainly sure my experiences of CPTSD and BPD. It's been a bit of a long journey for me, but one that's worthwhile.


What do you think some of your greatest struggles are at the moment which has encouraged you to seek support?


Please know you are not alone.





Re: Support of JaynJules

Hi @tyme, thank you for creating this space for me!


I think you may have misread, but I am currently diagnosed with DID and CPTSD, not BPD. Early in my mental health journey I was initially diagnosed with BPD but it has since been disputed by my current treatment team. I have detailed more information about this in my posts and comments ^.^


my greatest struggles right now mainly surround symptoms of DID and CPTSD, which include:

- Frequent flashbacks of many different parts of my life

- issues with amnesia

- issues with switches and the wrong alters being out at the wrong time, ultimately not being able to control who is where

- CPTSD-related paranoia, obsessions, and compulsions related to trying to prevent the next trauma from occurring

- Not being able to work because of my mental health issues

- avoiding social events and friendships because I find masking to be very, very draining 

- Trying to figure out how to make and maintain friendships outside of mental health spaces as I feel our DID makes it really difficult due to masking and inconsistencies between alters.

- keeping and maintaining hobbies, going outside to the store, doing anything without our partner. 


Overall I'd say, we spend a lot of time in bed avoiding the world and being paranoid that the next horrible thing is just around the corner.


I'm sure there's more but I can't really access everything about myself at once, thank you for creating this space for us and checking on us ^.^

Re: Support of JaynJules

Hey @JaynJules ,


My apologies for misreading the DID. 


I'm hearing how much it is affecting your daily functioning. It sounds so hard to be at home for the pure reason of avoiding the world.


I'm glad to hear you have hobbies you are maintaining. That's a great start 🙂


I don't have personal experience of managing alters, but I'm hearing the challenges and that you are experiencing, especially when it comes to being around people....


I also feel drained being around people for too long. My way of managing is to also have a set time e.g. 1.5 hours, and then I hop onto my next appointment (even if it's going home to recuperate).


Have you found any strategies that work, e.g. journalling?


Re: Support of JaynJules

Hi @JaynJules  welcome to the forums. 

I can relate to some of your struggles because I too have CPTSD.  I struggle with flashbacks and nightmares and my friendships have taken a huge hit as a result of my mh issues. I haven’t woken since having my daughter nearly 9 years ago. 

hope you find some comfort here and some new friends