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Managing thoughts of suicide & self-harm

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Husband suicide

3 weeks ago my husband of 30 years committed suicide. My 2 adults children and dearest friends helped me through the arrangements. We struggled through Christmas Day. 

how does anyone find the strength to get through this pain?


it hurts, physically and emotionally. It’s exhausting. 


Re: Husband suicide

Hi and welcome, @MJ5 . I am so very sorry for your massive loss 😢

Have you heard of griefline? 1300 845 745.


You can also seek a psychologist for grief counselling if you wish...there would be a lot to work through. 


You can also type anything into the Search bar above to find threads on that topic (e.g. "grief"). 


Also, a handy forum tip to tag someone is to type @ and then click on their name in the drop-down box - that way they'll get a notification that you've replied to them. 


Thinking of you... 🫂

Re: Husband suicide

When I was two years old my mother was pregnant with my brother. Our father passed, a similar situation that you're in, leaving my mother by herself to raise my brother and I. My fathers family took all of the inheritence from her so she was left with nothing. We ended up in commission housing. My mother was strong and taught me much through her actions. She worked hard everyday and focused on my brother and I, getting a house by herself without anyone in her life. She showed my brother and I what strength looks like. Twenty-six years later she's the strongest person I've ever known. If she can be strong, so can you.

Re: Husband suicide

@MJ5 It is still so close.  Go gently with yourself and do whatever you can that feels right.  There is no right way to grieve. We all do it differently. Suicide is an extreme loss to cope with.  It is sudden, violent and often comes with extra burdens of ... if only ... I did ... could I have made a difference ... and self examination.  All we can do is our best.  I pray you move into the coming year with dignity, courage and hope.

Re: Husband suicide

dear MJ5, 


I DO know how you feel. Only someone who has lost a long term partner to suicide knows the crippling pain and guilt. I lost my wife of 40 years, totally unexpectedly, 7 weeks ago and I would so like to have other recently grieving partners for mutual support. I am in Adelaide. I have not yet found any suicide bereavement group in Adelaide who has regular catch - ups, other than bi-monthly.

I am available for mutual support.

regards Greg

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