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Mother desperate to help daughter under 10 with hallucinations

I have been wanting to connect with another mother that's been through what I'm going through with my daughter. 


I'm absoluting breaking that there is very limited things I can do to help my daughter with her visual and audio hallucinations. 


I want to be the best I can be for her and it starts with me reaching out from support for myself. 


I'd like to share more of our personal experiences with somebody privately if they feel like they can positively contribute or simply listen to our story so far.


What prompted me to finally reach out is, today she has no memories of her sharing about her problems the other night. She has shared many times in the past but never denied talking about. I generally believe she doesn't remember and it scares me.


Please share your stories with younger children with schizoaffective disorder. I believe my daughters been showing signs of manic highs and very low lows since 7 years of age.


Re: Mother desperate to help daughter under 10 with hallucination and memory loss

Hey there @Wolfpackx4 ,


It sounds so incredibly hard to see a young one have to work through the hallucinations she is having. 


Do you have the necessary professional supports in place for her? Drs, GPs, Specialists?


We hear that you are reaching out hear of others' experiences. I haven't come across someone on the forums who have a child so young with hallucinations, but there are certainly mothers on the forums who have children going through something similar. 


They may be interested in sharing their experiences. As for getting in touch privately, our forums are an anonymous site which means members are not able to share their contact details. You can read about this on our Community Guidelines page:


We have an amazing community of listeners out there, including myself. Feel free to tag me into your posts so I receive a notification of your posts. You do this by typing "@" in front of my username e.g. @tyme 


Tagging some members for you @Shaz51 @Anastasia @Krishna @Zoe7 @Eve7 @outlander @NatureLover 


See you around!



Re: Mother desperate to help daughter under 10 with hallucination and memory loss

Hey @Wolfpackx4 ,


How you are today? I wanted to check-in with you to see how things are going for you.

Re: Mother desperate to help daughter under 10 with hallucination and memory loss

Hey, thanks for the message.

I have connected my daughter with services but she is just being juggled back and forth between the system. Just another name on the list of kids who need help. Are you based in Australia? @tyme