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Re: My Son

How old is your son?    After a certain age, unfortunately we are unable to help until they want the help.   All we can do is offer it, communicate openly and honestly and let them know we are there for them when they want. 


My son has many mental health problems and when he was younger I took him many places.  After a certain age I coukdnt get him to go.   He was on drugs, got expelled from school and his mental health declined even further.  


He was about 15 at this time and us now 25.    For the last ten years I have run myself ragged trying to get him help.  The whole time I was told by many, therapists, the police, doctors etc that  I couldn't help him until he wanted it,  but him being my son I couldn't let it go and kept trying.  All to no avail because he didn't want it.  


I understand it's hard but the best thing you can do ( depending on the sons age) is let it be known that you are there for your son when he wants and needs you and are willing  to stand by his side and support him when he wants help. That you encourage him to do so but fir now just be Mum. 


If you need to chat, I'm available 

Re: My Son

I there @Jane75 ,


Thank you so much for sharing. It means a lot to the community to be able to share these lived experiences. They are experiences no one can learn from a textbook. 


Thank you.

Re: My Son

How are you all @DI68 @QueenCornelia @fruitshop24hrs ?


Hope today is okay for you.


Anything planned for this weekend? I'm just sitting in the sun at the moment. It's so lovely just being in the sun.

Illustration of people sitting and standing

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