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Senior Contributor

Something funny

Hi. I have a habit of talking to myself. Usually just at home while i am talking myself through tasks.  I was at the pool today and i am trying to make the transition from breaststroke laps to freestyle laps. There was only one other lady in the pool.  Well i forgot where i was and was getting a bit frustrated with myself and made some comment to myself and the lady actually got out of the pool  looked at me like i was an alien and went to the other pool. Could only laugh .


Re: Something funny

@Calmblueocean  Hey Calmblueocean look at it this way you got the whole pool to yourself :D. Maybe I should try that. Love greenpeaxx

Not applicable

Re: Something funny

Nice to have that extra space in the pool 🙂 @Calmblueocean Thanks for sharing this one. Hope you're travelling well!

Re: Something funny

Hi @Calmblueocean 


Yeah - you got the whole pool to yourself - fantastic


Actually - talking to oneself is entirely normal - I had a cat for 15 years and talked to her all the time and as life goes the cat had to leave 😞 but I still talk - to myself - I am entirely agreeable to myself so I am on good terms with my audience


And I talk to myself outside of the house too - supermarket - waiting rooms - wherever - it's been a long time since I was in a swimming pool but I think if I irritated someone else enough by my private conversation my public gave me a dirty look and left I would laugh too


Thanks for sharing





Re: Something funny

I talk to myself as well! I basically verbalize my thoughts going through my head. It's a lot to do with my anxiety it's soothing to me. I too got weird looks so now instead I sing when I wear headphones in as an alternative haha.

Re: Something funny

hello @greenpea , @Former-Member , @Owlunar@Calmblueocean@Itoqih 

Actually - talking to oneself is entirely normal , i have talked to my furbabies and to myself during the day Heart

Re: Something funny

@Shaz51  Hey my sister Shaz51 I hope you are having a wonderful Easter. I think many of us are talking to ourselves atm :Dxx

Re: Something funny

hello my sister @greenpea Smiley Very Happy

ha ha we brought each other a box of maltesers each Smiley LOL

Re: Something funny

Can relate. I talk to myself a lot, always have done. Sometimes I do different voices depending on my mood. I also talk to Things, like the spider that lives in my letterbox. People walking past my house give me funny looks. I am occasionally embarrassed to be overheard in the supermarket (eg, criticising food items for how much sugar they contain), but people shouldn't creep up on me, should they.

Re: Something funny

Hey @Shaz51 . Can you explain to me who your furbabies are? I am guessing you are a wildlife carer. That sounds like a really good occupation.  I bet it keeps you busy. Do you mind telling me a bit about what you do. It sounds really interesting.