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Illustration of people sitting and standing

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Re: Good Morning!

Good news on the cheque @SmilingGecko !


And I hope your dreams bear fruit 🙂

Re: Good Morning!

Sounds positive I guess @creative_writer 


I hope you can have a good night!

Re: Good Morning!

@StuF I am actually confused whether it's positive or negative that I am not reacting to body flashbacks. I have lots that I need to do for uni. Are you up to much for the rest of the day?

Re: Good Morning!

slept most of day here in the end @creative_writer  was nothing had to do, nowhere had to be ..

Re: Good Morning!

@TAB it’s okay to take it easy sometimes. Sometimes the body needs rest

Re: Good Morning!

thats what it felt like today @creative_writer  thanks

Re: Good Morning!


Sorry to hear of your ambivalence, if that is the right word. I can see that would be unsettling (?)


Not up to much here

Re: Good Morning!

@StuF my mind is too loud right now.

I wanted to study more, but my mind won’t cooperate. I feel ill and nauseous too

Re: Good Morning!

Sounds like you need some self-soothing and relaxation @creative_writer 


Often easier said than done of course


Is there anything that calms your mind and settles your body?

Re: Good Morning!

@StuF I have had something to eat and was distracted with a drop in for uni assignment. I think I do need to start winding down now, I can feel the physical pain. Might try some prayers
Illustration of people sitting and standing

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