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Re: Good Morning!

Oi @PeppyPatti

That monkey is pointing to something, there deer.

Re: Good Morning!

That is more archeology if I am correct @PeppyPatti but thanks for sharing it was an interesting read. i studied Community Development at TAFE and there were units in sociology. I think Community Development had its hey days in the 1970's onwards with movements like the BLF but I wonder if the rationale behind it has any relevance today as the world has changed too much.  

Re: Good Morning!

Hello @Stout how are you going mate? I read your post about not being able to find a nice caring partner. Just keep that intention in your minds eye and she will find her way to you.  I understand your feelings about your situation having experienced more vulnerability with age but that happens to all of us so you are not alone. When I was really sick that was the case for me. I had some older friends in the MI community whom i knew and they found eachother through drop in.  They were a cute couple and it was a healthy happy relationship and they became a noticeable part of the MI establishment. My wish is that happens for you.

Re: Good Morning!

Hello @SmilingGecko , perhaps there's more you could enlighten me on. Presently I don't feel the age thing physicaly, although my body has been hammered. But I maybe slowing down overall. I want to avoid the aged meleiu as much as I can, until it becomes unavoidable. See I don't want to pick up the vibe. Nothing personal. As I've lost stasis, stability, tranquility and sanctuary I am concerned that I won't retrieve these before genuine age factors start to affect me. I know this is not an overnight fix, and might take me two years to right.

In the MI space I've found only two women for suitability. Both became disasters. I keep my mind and heart open, that's all I can do. 

Does that ring a bell SG? I've yet to step inside the ageing realm, did you mean it's harder than if younger? 


Re: Good Morning!

Ro be honest @ENKELI 

We all manage our times of stress differently. 

It feels your former best friend wrapped herself inside your brain like cotton wool and it feels that is what undiagnosed mental illness does to their victims. 

I do believe @TAB had something I didn't have- I don't know what it was but he was able to say he didn't want to be a victim and he walked away. 


And he helped me. 


My mother being this extremely intelligent person she is lives somewhere where she has a lot of enablers. Who is there to believe me ? 


Who would believe you ? 


All her arguments about how bad I was seemed reasonable to others who allll think like her. And my step Dad let it happen. 


What could you reasonably say against her ' reasonable self talk '


Now is the time for you to forgive yourself. 

You are valued ( not by undiagnosed mentally ill people ( 


You are special. 

You are beautiful. 

You are ( as @Glisten writes ) 



Re: Good Morning!


i just thought it was an interesting bit of information. 

Oh the writing has changed. 

Hi @SmilingGecko 

Today I was gifted another dress for Success appointment. I was extremely nervous about going in because iv already had an appointment. But all those clothes are too fat for me. 

The appointment for an hour made me feel absolutely amazing. 

I will keep away from bad people. 

I will learn not to spend time with bad people. 

I will care for myself better. 

I will stop pushing myself. 



Re: Good Morning!

@ENKELI I’m writing this post while sitting in the sauna 🧖 

😁 G

Re: Good Morning!

@PeppyPatti why Sociology? Do you like statistics and quantitative data analysis?

I hope you have had a lovely evening.


Re: Good Morning!

@rav3n thank you so much. 💐

Re: Good Morning!

@Glisten perfect. So glad to hear you're having some you time in the sauna xx


Sauna on hygieniaa. Hyvinvointi. Mielen ja kehon tunne. Ekstaasi. Sosialisointi. Meditaatio. Täysin positiivinen riippuvuus. Ja elämäntapa.


(Sauna is hygiene. Wellness. Mind-body sensation. Ecstasy. Socialization. Meditation. Totally positive addiction. And, a way of life.)