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Re: Good Morning!

@saturnzoon  i have also had the red messages and it not save which is frustrating when writing a long message/reply. I find it seems to time you out so I try to keep my postings and replys direct and break it up into several replys. Since I have done this I have'nt had anymore issues with the red messages. Hope that helps 😀

Re: Good Morning!

Good morning Forum people @HelloKitty1981 @TAB @SmilingGecko @PeppyPatti @creative_writer @tonys @tyme @StuF 

And everyone’s handle that I can’t remember, but I know you are all there and that’s awesome.


Re: Good Morning!

Good afternoon @Glisten from dreary Melbourne lol !


Was going to put some olive oil through my hair today from my armeggedon food stash that needs rotating but never got around to it so prior to next wash it will get done. Getting back into the habit of putting aloe vera as a gel through my hair for styling. Was trying to save money on aloe vera purchases to cut corners a bit. Loving clean living products! They are so good for you. Would never go back to Frankenstein chemical laden rubbish which is so bad for your health. I started making my own hyaluronic serum recipe this year. Still can't believe companies actually make a mint out of just hyaluronic powder and distilled water. Oh well its me doing my accountant sums again. Its what happens when you see the insides of industries when you do a submajor in marketing and see the mask getting ripped off!

Re: Good Morning!

Howdy @Glisten !


How goes?

Re: Good Morning!

Hello @StuF just messing around this afternoon

Re: Good Morning!

Good afternoon @Glisten, @StuF, @StanD, @PeppyPatti, @SmilingGecko, @TAB and anyone else on here, I hope the day has been kind to you all 🙂

Re: Good Morning!

Hiya @SmilingGecko 


I've just been window washing this afternoon. Done enough for the day 🙂


We had the cops circling in their helicopter before, really low. Interesting! Anyway, they've gone now


Big evening ahead?

Re: Good Morning!

Hi there @creative_writer 

My day has been kind enough thanks. You?

Re: Good Morning!

@StuF got lawnmowerman here. I have not had him around in a while as the grass was not growing. The last few weeks the shoots were really bursting so my garden looks neat again. I got a cheque from my old house insurer. Theres so much overstating with insurance companies. Sounds like drama at your end! It would have livened things up a bit out your way. I don't know what I'm doing tonight. I have been putting some Andara crystals under the sunlight so I can have lucid dreaming. If you have ever worked with Andaras your dreamstate is known to be technicolor. I have tried it and its worse than a blockbuster movie. No joking, seriously. I have never had dreams like that before. Jupiter has now entered my 12th house which can be to do with retreat and the subconscious mind so want to stand to benefit with beautiful dreams. 

Re: Good Morning!

@StuF mine has been okay, getting annoying body sensations (though they are better than they were yesterday), but I don't feel overly stressed right now