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GP won't help withNDIS

I just saw my GP about getting paperwork for NDIS to get help to get counselling services.  He refused, cause he said that the NDIS was for people with disabilities and I wasn't disabled, I was functioning.  He said that the NDIS was for people with things like cystic fibrosis.  He doesn't know that the reason I am functioning is cause there are about ten of us in here, making things happen.  He said that if I needed mental health services, he could help me get on the mental health plan...ten sessions a year.  I guess that's one session an alter, that will fix the problem.  


I'm ready to just give up and suicide and at the same time, I am glad cause my gp has never really been a safe doctor to talk to about my psych issues.  I was really uncomfortable about visiting him for this issue. It gives me a reason to find a new gp.  


And incase anyone missed it, yeah, he just told me that physical disabilities are real and psych issues are not.😡

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Re: GP won't help withNDIS

My goodness @Lemonjuice


Yes, you're right to start asking about what NDIS support you could be eligible for, and people who have mental health conditions which lead to disability is in there! Very surprised that the doctor told you that incorrect info. Smiley IndifferentSmiley Surprised

In case you haven't already started looking, here is the first link I would suggest, the NDIS

I do hope you find a great new gp that would understand mental health a lot sounds like while this was pretty horrible appointment, it is also a motivator to get away and find someone else!

Take care of yourself today

Re: GP won't help withNDIS

Thank you for that support.  I'm definitely moving on to a new gp.  

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