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Re: Not doing well

@Anastasia Yes of course now I know who you are. 😃

Re: Not doing well

Its good to see you beautiful ☺️

You must have wondered haha, I forget as I still think of myself as my old name @Lilly6 💐

Re: Not doing well

I am sorry I haven't been around much, things weren't really any better and I didn't feel I could offer any support to anyone based on how I have been feeling and I didn't feel any to be continuously whining here. 
Anyway, I was starting to do better - new job (back at previous workplace), psych going well and looking at starting DBT which I felt could really help. I started work and was getting month to month contracts (temp worker) which made me feel very nervous and once the contract was late resulting in my pay being cut until fixed a few days later. This really rocked me and made me feel unsafe. Also as I work Monday to Friday I had to see a different psych at the same practice and had to wait two months for an appointment. By the time the two months came around I felt I had slipped right back and felt it wasn't worth the effort anymore. 

I have not been able to come back from all this and feel so tired and heavy all unwell all the time. I don't want to keep going but I don't want to scare or upset anyone. 
Thank you so much for your support. 

Not applicable

Re: Not doing well

Hey @Lilly6, it's nice to see you back here. I'm sorry you've been struggling with work lately. It sounds stressful and I can hear it is making you feel hopeless. I really encourage you to reach out for some one-on-one professional support today off the forums-

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Suicide Call Back Service: 1300 659 467


Glad you're here.


Take good care,


Re: Not doing well



I am sorry, I did not write anything to you, I think @Anastasia just tagged me. I hope thing improve for you soon. 

Re: Not doing well

Oh @Lilly6 

We're here for you. I am so sorry that your pay was cut, I can totally understand how that would rock you and make you feel unsafe. Then to have to see a new psych well it's no wonder you're struggling. That's a lot to contend with. 


Please keep talking, reaching out. You're not whining, it's ok not to support others. You need to look after yourself first. The time will come, for now focus on yourself. 

Honestly Lilly I really am happy you're here. I looked for you for a long time and then just hoped you were ok 🤗


Re: Not doing well

Thank you @Anastasia  I appreciate your kind words. I am happy to see you here too. 

Re: Not doing well

You would remember @NatureLover as well @Lilly6 🙏💐

Re: Not doing well

Thank you for tagging me @Anastasia ! I wasn't aware of Lilly's thread here.


@Lilly6  I'm glad to see you. I'm sorry things are bad. That's not great about your work /pay insecurity. Or the 2 months between each psych appt. 😞


Is there any way you can make those psych appts monthly, and take a day off work when you have one? That way you could see the same psych each time, and might feel it's worth going?


We're here for you...

Re: Not doing well

Hi @Lilly6 , just wanted to check in with you and see how you're's been a while since you posted, and I'm not sure if that means you're doing relatively well, or the opposite. 


I hope you've been able to get in to see your psych more often...hope your mood's been OK...