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Something’s not right

Re: Not doing well

@saltandpepper thank you. I tried medication earlier this year and it did not help. I also am generally adverse to taking medication as I have been sensitive to certain meds in the past. 
Yes I have a lot going on and have for a while and I am so tired it is difficult to deal with any of it. Due to the tiredness, depression and hopelessness I feel there is just no point trying to deal with anything. I wanted to get through to the end of yesterday as I had essential tasks to do but now am just treading water and working out what to do. Thank you for caring, I appreciate it. 

Re: Not doing well

Thank you @jazz  I am safe for the moment but really don't want to be here right now. 

Re: Not doing well



For me it's so beautiful to read when something I have said really helped someone. It fills my heart with much happiness. Thank you for mentioning this @saltandpepper 

Re: Not doing well

Yeah of course @Lilly6 with regards to medication, for me, it was and is an ongoing process. I trialled a few different AD's in the beginning which went on for about 6 months before settling on what I'm taking now. It's not without side affects, though the worst of it is in the initial stages of starting it. The question there is really weighing up if the benefits of medication outweigh those adverse reactions. There's a lot of different options available and you could ask your GP to refer you on to a psychiatrist to talk about your options, would be much more helpful than going through it with your regular GP. And it's also important to remember that if you do choose to go on medication, it doesn't have to be forever. A lot of people will only stay on them for the 6-12 month period. I do think it's inportant to do something here though, even if it's just talking through it with your GP/psychologist/psychiatrist because if it's left untreated, like any illness, it has the potential to get worse. Also important to note that like medication, GP's/psych's are not a one size fits all. If you're unhappy with your GP or psych you can and should see someone else. Perhaps a google search would be worthwhile to see if there is a GP available who is more focused on treating mental health.

Re: Not doing well

Hello @Lilly6 

Its really nice to see you back online. I have missed chatting with you 💐

I'm so sorry to see things haven't improved and that it sounds like you aren't being taken seriously by your gp 😡

Some great advice from @saltandpepper @Powderfinger, two of the best 💞

I am thinking of you as walking with you my friend x

Take care sweet Lilly x

Re: Not doing well

@Anastasia 💙

Re: Not doing well

Thank you @saltandpepper  and I agree it is a process as is everything in regards to mental health treatment. I have been through a few different treatment providers now; therapists, community mental health and psychologist. I like my psychologist but haven't felt any of the others have been a good fit. One of the therapist (when I was in my previous work role) used to focus solely on the need to quit my job and ignored pretty much everything else even though it all contributed. I haven't found a GP I really like yet. I mean my current doctor is a good GP, I just don't think she knows where I am coming from. 
I am so tired of the whole process which seems absolutely endless and no light at the end of the tunnel. My GP said I will have to live with these issues forever and that feels devastating. I cannot do this for years and years. I feel like I am just treading water and not getting anywhere even though I have tried. And yes it did improve for a little bit but then all the crap came flooding back. I know I need to learn to see things differently but the process just seems so so long. 

Re: Not doing well

@Anastasia Thank you

Re: Not doing well

Its just occurred to me that you would know me as @Lilly6 💞🌸💐🍪❤️

Re: Not doing well

@Powderfinger Thank you from me too, I will read your comment again later after work and try to take it on board

Illustration of people sitting and standing

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