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Re: Seeking insight, help, knowledge please

Hi @Anastasia 


I'm sorry to hear that your boy is going through this. 


I also hear voices... they're always frightening and disturbing. Instead of looking at the voices I hear as a scary symptom with no meaning, I try to view the voices as trying to tell me something. For instance, they could be trying to tell me that i'm anxious or lacking in confidence. This really helps me with managing the voices and living with them. It even makes them less intense alongside taking my medication, because I'm not constantly fighting with them. I hope this is helpful.


Sending strength to you and your boy.


Rosie93 Heart



Re: Seeking insight, help, knowledge please

I don't have experience with that myself but had an Aunty who experienced the same thing. I am

sorry your boy is hearing them though from what I got my my Aunty's experience it can be quite scary. Hoping you can find some help in learning the besr way to help your son deal

worh them. @Anastasia 

Re: Seeking insight, help, knowledge please

Thank you @Former-Member I appreciate your message.

I am sorry you too have this happen to you. I cannot even imagine how scary this must be 😞


Do you hear them daily? Is it fair to say that this is something that my boy will have to adapt to live with and that no amount of medication will fully stop the voices?


Obviously there is a balance between meds and quality of life. If it is something that is going to always break through and the voices at present is "as good as it gets"  (meds have been tweaked for nearly 2 years and 7 hospitalisations) then I need to find him some supports/material to learn to "deal" with them. Does that make sense?


Thank you @Former-Member x

Re: Seeking insight, help, knowledge please

Hi @Anastasia Smiley Happy


I do hear them daily but certain situations cause them to become louder/more intense e.g when I'm extremely anxious, down, stressed etc. So it's important to use coping strategies and to recognise when things are becoming too much and I need extra support.


It's hard for me to say in regards to your boy and his situation. In my situation i've found that no amount of medication has stopped it completely, but the side effects from large amounts of medication are very difficult to deal with. I've found using other coping methods like what I mentioned previously and distraction techniques to be incredibly helpful alongside medication. 


I'm holding the hope for your boy and sending strength to both of you.


Rosie93 Heart

Re: Seeking insight, help, knowledge please

Hello @Former-Member 

your advice is wonderful and pretty much solidifies exactly my thought process around what is happening. I am truly grateful, thank you for reaching out. I will now be able to be a better support for him, hugs and hugs xoxo 

Re: Seeking insight, help, knowledge please

I'm so glad, thank you @Anastasia Smiley Happy



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