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Senior Contributor

Struggling with symptoms

Hi all 

          Just needed to chat/vent 

I'm having a hard time believing all my symptoms are stress/anxiety related 

deep down I know but I can't stop them 

the one that's upsetting me the most is 

chest problems 

feels tight in the chest 

when I go to the doctor my blood pressure is high because I'm stressed and now that's got me thinking about heart attacks 

So when I'm home I get a funny feeling in the chest. Then think the worst case scenario 

I google which I know isn't good 

I am speaking with someone 

which I think is working I've only been speaking with her for 4 weeks. 

some days are good 

others like today aren't so good 

I freak myself out worrying so much 


I don't want to live my life like this anymore 

I'm sick of feeling this way, I can't enjoy my Family Time with my children 

I want to but sometimes i don't want to be a mum. 


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Re: Struggling with symptoms

Hi Jaz5


I'm so sorry to hear that things are really difficult for you right now.  It's sounds like you have a lot going on and it is great that you have been able to come on the Forums to share what you have been going through.


I shall be sending you an email to follow up with you.




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Re: Struggling with symptoms

Hey there @Jaz5 Just following up wanted to check in and see how you are going? Sounds like you have been up against a few heavy thoughts, did you want to unpack it a bit more? Heart We are here to listen.

Re: Struggling with symptoms

Sorry for the late reply @Former-Member  I have my days some days I'm really good and others I feel crap. The symptoms are just so scary. I joined a group on face book for health anxiety and I find it good as horrible as it sounds but people are actually going through the same symptoms as me and it's nice to know I'm not the only one who has shortness of breath and chest pain and the rest of the symptoms. Thanks again for checking in 


Re: Struggling with symptoms

Hi @Jaz5  and welcome to the forums.  We haven't met but I'm around this morning if you want to chat with someone.  Hope today is one of your better ones.

Re: Struggling with symptoms

Thank you. I am having a better day today
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