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Re: Topic Tuesday // Strategies for coping during the holiday season // Tuesday 21st December, 7:00- 8:30PM AEDT

I have noticed many of our calls currently are related to loneliness, grief, social anxiety, family & conflict, addiction, and financial stress.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Strategies for coping during the holiday season // Tuesday 21st December, 7:00- 8:30PM AEDT

@Former-Member @pisces_1  it's definitely a tough time for many. I know for myself, I tend to experience loneliness and grief around this time of year. I'm wondering what grief looks like for you @Lani?

Re: Topic Tuesday // Strategies for coping during the holiday season // Tuesday 21st December, 7:00- 8:30PM AEDT

Welcome to Topic Tuesday @Emelia8 & @Anastasia Smiley Happy Great to see you here this evening and looking forward to you sharing your experiences with the community around strategies for coping during the Christmas period 🎄

Re: Topic Tuesday // Strategies for coping during the holiday season // Tuesday 21st December, 7:00- 8:30PM AEDT

Hi @cloudcore @Former-Member @pisces_1 @Lani  - feeling overwhelmed with the festive. 

Re: Topic Tuesday // Strategies for coping during the holiday season // Tuesday 21st December, 7:00- 8:30PM AEDT

Hi @cloudcore @Former-Member @pisces_1 @Lani !


 Thanks for the tag! 

In the past, I really struggled at this time of year. My brain couldn't comprehend why everyone kept saying 'Merry Christmas' and 'Happy New Year' - I was neither merry nor happy. 

Upon reflection, I believe it was isolation which triggered it. Without the routine work/studies/commitments, I struggled tremendously. 

It wasn't a pleasant time at all. If anything, I grieved the loss of years due to my severe depression. It seemed to have eaten away my teenage hood and early adult hood. I was angry.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Strategies for coping during the holiday season // Tuesday 21st December, 7:00- 8:30PM AEDT

It's not living, it's existing. It's loss of life for me. I'm not the person I was 6 weeks ago. My mum passed way 6 weeks ago today. I'm feeling lonely even though I have lots of people around but I don't have my mum. My life stopped 6 weeks ago

Re: Topic Tuesday // Strategies for coping during the holiday season // Tuesday 21st December, 7:00- 8:30PM AEDT

Oh @Lani ,


My sincere condolences. It sounds so understandably difficult at this time.


i really admire you for being able to reach out at this time. It takes a lot of courage.




Re: Topic Tuesday // Strategies for coping during the holiday season // Tuesday 21st December, 7:00- 8:30PM AEDT

Good evening

Re: Topic Tuesday // Strategies for coping during the holiday season // Tuesday 21st December, 7:00- 8:30PM AEDT

Hi @Fluttershy1, it can definitely be an overwhelming time, here with you Heart

Re: Topic Tuesday // Strategies for coping during the holiday season // Tuesday 21st December, 7:00- 8:30PM AEDT

@cloudcore - it triggers me a lot at this time of year. I just wanna cry or I will disassociate

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