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Re: Topic Tuesday // Symptoms of Social Media - Looking after our Mental Health online // Tues 19th Feb, 7pm AEDT

I feel thst Everyone else has good times. They put everything they’re doing eg dinner out with friends holidays house things - it’s hard to see. And you sll might say to me - just don’t go on. It’s hard to stop. 

Its just me. Addiction is hard @Former-Member @holly299 


Re: Topic Tuesday // Symptoms of Social Media - Looking after our Mental Health online // Tues 19th Feb, 7pm AEDT

I have a number of strategies that really help me have a positive experience with social media including:
- Curating my feed – I unfollow anyone who makes me feel bad or unworthy. I have created my own little safe space by following mental health advocates, psychologists/dieticians, body positivity advocates, a diverse range of people (gender, sexuality, disabled/non-disabled, race and sizes)
- Blocking anyone/accounts, that come up repeatedly on my explore page or follow me, that make me feel bad. I have had so many skinny teas, diet pill companies and other body shaming accounts follow me at which point I simply click block and it means that social media is a much safer space. This also means blocking anyone who harasses, leaves hate messages or trolls you.
- Having off time – I make sure that I do have time to reboot and recharge doing things that are not on social media. For me this is often reading or going outside.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Symptoms of Social Media - Looking after our Mental Health online // Tues 19th Feb, 7pm AEDT

Msybe limit time spent on social media @Former-Member 

Re: Topic Tuesday // Symptoms of Social Media - Looking after our Mental Health online // Tues 19th Feb, 7pm AEDT

@BlueBay Absolutely, too much time on social media can take away from your actual life and so you spend your life watching other peoples lives - no wonder we feel like they're all out doing things!

Re: Topic Tuesday // Symptoms of Social Media - Looking after our Mental Health online // Tues 19th Feb, 7pm AEDT

@BlueBay  Limiting time is a good one, I really like that. The apps actually have little timers you can set up now 🙂 Then they alert you when you go over. What did you think of @holly299's idea of curating a "Safe" Feed? Including unfollowing accounts/people that make us feel low? 

Re: Topic Tuesday // Symptoms of Social Media - Looking after our Mental Health online // Tues 19th Feb, 7pm AEDT

Yeah @Former-Member that’s a good idea. I will look into that. 

I wish I could just stop altogether

Re: Topic Tuesday // Symptoms of Social Media - Looking after our Mental Health online // Tues 19th Feb, 7pm AEDT

Yer well just saying @Former-Member it I see an audience I should walk the other way lately

Re: Topic Tuesday // Symptoms of Social Media - Looking after our Mental Health online // Tues 19th Feb, 7pm AEDT

@BlueBay I know at least on the computer there are apps that can block certain sites - I use one called self control for when I'm studying. Maybe it would help to delete the apps on your phone?

Re: Topic Tuesday // Symptoms of Social Media - Looking after our Mental Health online // Tues 19th Feb, 7pm AEDT

To be honest @holly299 @Former-Member  it’s not good. I’m always on social media. 

Its bad. I’m pretty hopeless. 

Re: Topic Tuesday // Symptoms of Social Media - Looking after our Mental Health online // Tues 19th Feb, 7pm AEDT

Don’t use it so much? Or dont put too much weight on it?
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