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Re: Topic Tuesday // Strategies for coping during the holiday season // Tuesday 21st December, 7:00- 8:30PM AEDT

Hey there @BPDSurvivor, oh how I can relate to the struggling without the work/study commitments, not to mention grieving with years of opportunity lost to mental health. How are you going this year? Are things any better for you this Christmas?

Re: Topic Tuesday // Strategies for coping during the holiday season // Tuesday 21st December, 7:00- 8:30PM AEDT

Besides just 'people', do you have any supports in place to help you through this time? @Lani ?


Hi @MDT 

Re: Topic Tuesday // Strategies for coping during the holiday season // Tuesday 21st December, 7:00- 8:30PM AEDT

Hi @MDT , welcome to the discussion!


Re: Topic Tuesday // Strategies for coping during the holiday season // Tuesday 21st December, 7:00- 8:30PM AEDT

@Lani I am so sorry to hear that you're mum passed away 6 weeks ago. It is such a difficult time for you. I am going to focus on strategies for grief and loneliness within this discussion. 

Re: Topic Tuesday // Strategies for coping during the holiday season // Tuesday 21st December, 7:00- 8:30PM AEDT

Great to see you here this evening @MDT. Hope things are travelling well for you this week and please feel free to jump into the discussion Smiley Happy

Re: Topic Tuesday // Strategies for coping during the holiday season // Tuesday 21st December, 7:00- 8:30PM AEDT

I'm so sorry to hear of your loss @Lani , glad you could be here with us Heart

Re: Topic Tuesday // Strategies for coping during the holiday season // Tuesday 21st December, 7:00- 8:30PM AEDT

@pisces_1  It’s interesting to hear that the calls to the SANE counselling service have followed those trends of late (I know I can relate to a few), and it sounds like Christmas this year may be quite difficult for many in our community. In that light, I’m pleased we here at SANE have been able to provide this space for our members to share their experiences amongst the community, and to hear from one of our counsellors.

Question 2: How does loneliness over the Christmas period impact the clients you’ve supported? And what are some of the tools you recommend for people experiencing loneliness during the festive season?


Question for our community: Christmas can be a time of joy for many, but for others it can a difficult and stressful time of the year. If loneliness is something you identify experiencing over the Christmas and New Year’s period, what does that look like for you?

Re: Topic Tuesday // Strategies for coping during the holiday season // Tuesday 21st December, 7:00- 8:30PM AEDT

I hear you, @Fluttershy1 . Christmas was a really triggering time for me too. What have you done to cope during this time in the past?

Re: Topic Tuesday // Strategies for coping during the holiday season // Tuesday 21st December, 7:00- 8:30PM AEDT

@Former-Member , this year, I'm actually doing remarkably well. It will be my first Christmas-New Year without formal supports. 

For the past few years, i was either admitted to an inpatient unit, PARCs or had extra support from my treating team. Over the years, I've required less and less of this type of support which means I'm actually on top of things.


Its taken years to come to this point, but I'm more than content.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Strategies for coping during the holiday season // Tuesday 21st December, 7:00- 8:30PM AEDT

loneliness is associated with an increased risk of certain mental health problems, including 

depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, sleep problems and increased stress – especially during Christmas.


I would firstly suggest defining what causes you to feel lonely. Are you physically alone or amongst a group of people and feeling alone? Maybe you are not feeling seen, heard, or validated by others; therefore, not connecting with others.


  1. What has helped in the past?
  2. Do one thing a day to connect with others; Online game (scrabble), send a meme or funny video, reach out to loved ones, a professional, helpline or forum, spend time with your pets.
  3. A small act of kindness; volunteer
  4. Join a group that shares your interests and goals.


Or are you feeling alone because you are not connecting with yourself?


  1. Try journaling. Create a vision board, Gratitude journal, focus on one goal and do something each day to get yourself one step closer to the goal.
  2. Check in with yourself. How are you feeling? Except that you are feeling that way and have compassion for yourself.
  3. Mindfulness. Watch YouTube videos on tapping or breathwork, do something that is challenging and rewarding to get your mind and body into the ‘state of flow’.
  4. Have a me day. Something that brings you joy - cook, read, exercise, relaxing bath, watching a favourite movie/music.