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Looking after ourselves

Senior Contributor

Moving on with my recovery

Okay, so I had a blip with my recovery. I'm not beating myself up; I'm just acknowledging it and moving on.


I had a long shower.

I washed my hair.

I cleaned my teeth twice.

I gave my hair a really good brush.

I had 2 glasses of water and 2 cups of peppermint tea.

I had cuddles with my Pug.


I'm going to make chicken and salad for dinner now.


@Former-Member @Eve7 @Snowie @BPDSurvivor @Appleblossom @oceangirl @TAB @RedHorse 



Re: Moving on with my recovery

Sounds All very Good @Arizona i think about Recovery sometimes

Re: Moving on with my recovery


Yeah sister. We all have blips and then get back on the path .....

It will be autumn soon...It will be autumn soon...

Re: Moving on with my recovery



It sounds like you had a good day. Recovery is not linear but will have some ups and downs.


recovery from mental illness | Life in a Bind - BPD and me


I'm trying to think what I did today.


I looked after Milo who had major surgery and is day 19 post op. 

Posted a present to my niece

Picked up parcel from target 

Grocery shopped

Made healthy meals and snacks throughout the day

Three loads of washing

Clean sheets on bed

Decluttered living space

Phoned my parents and brother

Send email to my psych

Had a shower and washed hair

Message a few friends on facebook




Re: Moving on with my recovery



What strategies do you use to move you forward and get traction?  I'm super impressed with all that you do. Keep going !!


Little box of positivity self care kit positivity gift image 0

Re: Moving on with my recovery

@TAB @Appleblossom @oceangirl 


Thank you very much for your replies ❤


Sorry I keep forgetting to tag people.


Re: Moving on with my recovery

So true @oceangirl ! Expectations of recovery versus the Reality of recovery!


Love it!


@Arizona , your posts are very admirable. Your determination and resilience truly shine through.



Re: Moving on with my recovery

Every day is a new day @Arizona . You’re doing well!

Re: Moving on with my recovery

Thank you @Eve7 and @BPDSurvivor ❤


I managed to do a 20 minute meditation before bed last night, so I'm happy about that. I will do another one today. 


I slept okay last night. I only woke up a couple of times during the night and I was able to go straight back to sleep. But this morning I woke up in a terrible state of anxiety and depression and I'm not feeling so good. I didn't get out of bed until 11am. 


I'm not going to set any goals today. I'm just going to take the day as it comes. I'm going to have a cup of tea and listen to my audio book now.


I'm not feeling very sociable or articulate right now.

Re: Moving on with my recovery

It's ok to stay in bed until 11 @Arizona . I did it yesterday and then managed to get a few things ticked off my to do list.


Well done for doing your meditation. Sitting with you on this journey.

Illustration of people sitting and standing

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