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Looking after ourselves

Senior Contributor

Positive Thoughts for Today

I woke up this morning thinking alot as I always do the main thoght I had was that its ok to feel proud your allowed to feel proud about how far youve come rather than looking back at photos or hard times with a sadness or regret,your allowed to be proud of yourself instead cause you know what? you got through those times! you didnt stay in those hard times and you have so much to look forward to so get hyped about the good things in your life right now even if those happy things are small things like good company,good health and food shared with family cause often times its those special little milestones tthat we either forget or tend to overlook,never alone LostAngelHeart


Re: Positive Thoughts for Today

@LostAngel  You are right. We can overlook the small victories, the ones that get us through.


I hope you are enjoying some today. You have every right to be proud of yourself.

Re: Positive Thoughts for Today

I heard someone say once, "I may not be where I need to be at the moment, but thank God I'm not where I used to be". Celebrate how far you've come is a great thought to have, and the small milestones, thanks for the encouraging post.

Re: Positive Thoughts for Today

@LostAngel it's definitely ok, and good to feel proud of yourself and your achievements! I've found that for me, it's really important to celebrate even the smallest things- if I'm having a super bad day and I manage to get out of bed and get dressed, that's a win that deserves acknowledgement and a little pride and celebration! Feel free to keep sharing here & we'll celebrate with you! 🎉🎉



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