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Re: Loneliness

It is lovely having connections from so many years ago.---- sure is @Appleblossom ❤️

Re: Loneliness

what do you sew @PeppiPatty ?

thanks for the openness @Appleblossom the threads confuse me a little - tbh

my support worker and I just went out for a coffee (ice coffe, 1 shot, ice cream!) which really calms me down

hope everyone is well xo


Re: Loneliness

Hilarious @TAB 



How long does it take you to drive to SA ??


Did I mess that question up ?

Re: Loneliness

hello @EternalFlower , @PeppyPatti , @outlander , @TAB 😎

Re: Loneliness


Oh wow @EternalFlower 


This is what I do to calm me down. I get a lactose free half strength coffee. 


My support worker and I only need to walk for 10 mins to walk down the street to havva coffee but it calms me down. 


I get excersises at the Pysiotherapists gym but I'm still not in a good place after anaesthetic in having an operation. 


I sew quilts. They are only squares not all exciting intricate designs or anything but they are great for me. 

Re: Loneliness

Yes you are correct. 


It's so wonderful how we can relate to each other here. 


And dare I comment. The space in our often similar stories is lovely. Does it foster compassion ? Empathy ? 


Because we are the same a bit and it doesn't make us feel lonely ? 

Re: Living with Loneliness

Hi @Rollon 


The experience of loneliness is real and differs from person-to-person. For you, it seems to manifest in anxiety and feelings of sadness, which I'm confident you can overcome by drawing on your strength of character and inner resilience. 


From what I've read, it also seems that you have had a rich and interesting life filled with high and less-high points. In this regard, I admire your fortitude in overcoming the many obstacles you have faced, and for remaining open to new experiences. 


In terms of support / volunteer groups for social connection, there are many options available to you (the below links might be useful starting points). And beyond this, please know that you are not alone and that this will become clearer once you kickstart your journey to new friendships. 


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Re: Loneliness

I live in SA now @PeppyPatti ? well, for like last 11mths

Re: Loneliness


I can not believe I just lost everything again that I said and this thread did not save it, tried to reload it but was not given the option, makes  me so angry cause can't remember what I was saying


@PeppyPatti @cloudcore @TAB @Minkie-Rose @Shaz51 @Appleblossom 

@Zoe7 @outlander @EternalFlower @Former-Member @Adge @tonys @Oaktree @Glisten @Jacques @Healandlove @Krishna 

Re: Loneliness

maybe the @moderator might be able to help you @saturnzoon with the issue