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Re: Living with Loneliness



Thanking about you 



Re: Living with Loneliness

@Doldip15 wrote:
Thanks @tyme
I need a few good wishes or a good kick along! Not sure which one might be most useful yet!

How about both? I can show love and care, but I can growl too!


Hope you are okay.

Re: Living with Loneliness

Angry is good @Doldip15 



Get it all out. 



Re: Living with Loneliness

Hello @tyme 

yes that’s my little dog who has been staying with my daughter for the last 3 weeks! My grandson has announced “Otto my dog now”. He tucks him into bed, feeds him, gets him out in the morning and takes him outside to toilet and Otto being very good and treating him gently and respectfully- Otto being a rescue dog and my grandson being ASD with dyspraxia so has no connection between brain and speech! Both being good for each other you could say! And I’m glad! 
I hope I’m getting well enough to go home soon! Heart failure last to come under control but getting there! Long term damage I’m yet to unwind! Trying stalking to get everything done quietly so better go to bed!

good night all! Stay safe! I’ll try in am


Re: Living with Loneliness

Awwww... how lovely @Doldip15 . Rest up. Chat another day.

Re: Living with Loneliness


 Otto escorting grandchildren to school! It’s his job according to him, loves the other kids to come and say hello with a pat, and let everyone know he’s in charge with a bark or two! He likes to keep life happy having his way!!


Re: Living with Loneliness

Omg Otto ❤️

Re: Living with Loneliness

Aww Otto is adorable @Doldip15 😍

Hello @Lila3 , @PeppyPatti , @tyme 

Re: Living with Loneliness

Heavy job for Otto 



So good Otto is reminding you he is the boss 




My budgies have a delightful time being the boss over here .....


Re: Living with Loneliness

Hello @living with loneliness 

I made it home into the cold, cold world outside! Having trouble staying warm at all! Now to prove living alone is where I want to be! Do I want to be alone in a cold unfriendly world, in pain? My right leg has become very stiff and painful from being confined to bed! 🛌 my whole body aches and I’m so thirsty! Well we see what tomorrow brings! I’m worried about my youngest daughter who went to hospital herself with her jaw swelling from an infection in her tooth but you can’t get an answer from anyone to know all is well or not! The lack of information in today’s world is difficult at best! Privacy or secrecy? This daughter has severe ADHD and often gets accused of being a drug addict (restless behaviour?), mentally unwell (same plus can’t sit still, plus pressure of speech) so never gets a fair hearing in a health facility as they’re taking no notice of the real issue- only their imagined one! How to get real help? I’m not sure for someone as affected as my daughter? 
I worry she’s being treated with discrimination constantly 

mum going to try and sleep and let my body rest and hope she contacts me as well! 
hope you’re all warm and safe!


