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The loss of pet and lessons learned

A few weeks ago I lost my much loved cat. He was the light of my life, in many ways my everything. He made me laugh at his crazy antics. He made me feel safe where nothing else could. He seemed to know how I felt and how to make me feel better. His death was a real shock. He was hit by a car. The one time he escaped and wouldn't come back. Somehow he made his way home. How I will never know with a broken back.when I picked him up he just put his head in my arms as though to let me know he was safe in my arms. I was with him when he passed away. I felt devastated in shock I couldn't believe what had happened. Empty such terrible loss. Nearly four weeks on, everything is still in its place, I can't bring myself to move anything.

Well I've had a few times I've cried especially outside at the washing line. He would do such crazy things that put a smile on my face. And there was a special spot he liked to have. A nibble on the grass. Picking up his ashes was so hard. I was so pleased to have him back in my arms. For the next two weeks he slept with me cuddled up tight. I decided he needed a special box. I found one and had it engraved. I was able to put his ashes in it and his Color. I cut out two pictures of him and put them in the lid. When I open it I see him. It's getting a little easier. But I found myself looking at the rspca and pet rescue at other cats. I kept wondering why

The lesson I was trying to suppress my grief, something that I realised I had done before.

i didn't, don't want to feel the pain 

I didn't want to feel the loss

but slowly I am learning to accept how I feel and its ok

i will get another cat sometime in the future, but for now I will let time pass.


Re: The loss of pet and lessons learned

Thanks for sharing @Chris

My son and I are quite attached to our 2 cats.  Last year when my mother died we started also speaking of what would happen if they died .. we agreed we would probably do a similar thing to you ... take our time to grieve ... not fill the gap too quickly .. I am sure you will connect with a new being with lovely quirks when you are ready.

oops typo edited

Re: The loss of pet and lessons learned

So sorry for your loss Chris.
I remember when my dog died I was devastated. It was the first and only time I saw my dad cry. When we picked up his ashes we decided to scatter them over my sisters grave so they could be together. We spent hours sharing stories about his antics, he was so clever and cheeky! But like you we decided to wait a while til we got another dog.
I still think about him, puts a smile on my face when I remember him now 🙂
My thoughts are with you X

Re: The loss of pet and lessons learned

Great responses for Chris
From darling Isabella and @Phoenix82
sweet @Chris

I'm so sorry for what your going through
My thoughts are with you

Re: The loss of pet and lessons learned

I am so sorry for your loss @Chris,


Losing a pert is like loosing a loved one, they become special, they all have their own personalities, i had several pets when i was a child, each one was unique in their own way, even now with all the wildlife around me when i watch them i can tell the same animals by they way they do things.

Your cat was your best friend, and i am glad one day in the future you are going to save a little cat/kitten and make it you new best friend, having another cat does not mean you are letting go, it means you are giving another a chance at a wonderful life, you will always have your beloved cat in your heart, he/she will always be their.


Best wishes @Chris, allow yourself time to proccess the grief



Re: The loss of pet and lessons learned

So sorry to hear about your loss @Chris , companion animals fill a very special place in our hearts and their impact on our lives cannot be underestimated, nor can their loss.


This poem always makes me cry, but in a good way. 



Re: The loss of pet and lessons learned

Awww @Chris

So sorry for you loss. Pets give us so many wonderful gifts and lession: companionships, laughs, support, and sadly, they teach us about grief and loss. 

It's a magical experience, and though I know it's sad and heartbreaking, I'm glad you can see some beauty in it. 


Re: The loss of pet and lessons learned

I'm 41 and have never had a pet until 2 years ago. I now have two wonderful little dogs and they are two bundles of joy in my life.

I feel so sad for you and your loss.  

Take special care. 

Re: The loss of pet and lessons learned


I have to say I really like the threads you start ... you have a real sense of responsibility for self that shines through in your topics  ... hope you are doing ok


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