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Re: Daily positives

@Shaz51 Both of them! 3 and half and nearly 6 months old. Oldest one has really grown up even in the last 2 or 3 weeks, talks our ear off now about random stuff and some of it actually make sense! Our little bubba is nearly 6 months and has grown up a lot in the last little bit too, on solids (just a little) now. Laughs a lot. 

Re: Daily positives

Awwwwww :ok_hand:👍❤❤❤ @ArraDreaming 

Re: Daily positives

@Shaz51 We are moving pretty soon and our oldest is excited, we have been past the house with him a couple times lately but today I got to go in and I had him with me, he asked me if there will be somewhere he can watch Bluey, I said yes definitely. We live in a really small place at the minute, the yard here is great but the house is a shoebox 

Not applicable

Re: Daily positives

My daily positives are:
I found some new social threads so canm htalk happy to join in!
I'm doing some gardening today with my support worker.
Me and my GP are going to review my healthcare needs and I can hopefully talk to him without getting too cranky and snappy.
I will be preparing lunch and if not too hot outside, I'll sit out to eat at my garden.

Re: Daily positives

Hi everyone. My daily positive is that I love cooking.


Do a menu up for myself every week - even though I’m just cooking for me.  I only started doing this in the last twelve months. At first it felt really weird but now I really like it - means I make things I actually like all the time.


Very much looking to cooking up a storm later this afternoon that includes Indian bubble and squeak (new recipe). Tried scones yesterday - they are so tricky to make - attempts to date have failed! Anyone got any tips out there?

Re: Daily positives

Hi @Delicatessen @outlander @ArraDreaming @Shaz51 @BPDSurvivor @Former-Member @tyme @Daisydreamer @Former-Member @cloudcore abd everyone here. My daily positive today has been small in that I’m glad I’m alive and have been able to spend time on the forums as well as do some knitting on a blanket for charity.


@Delicatessen I’m glad you find enjoyment in cooking so I’m proud of you. Cooking isn’t something I’m interested in - I’m just eating at the moment because I have to as I have lost my interest in food right now. 

Take care!


Re: Daily positives

Hi @Judi9877

That’s not good to hear where you’re at re your food. I’m on a new eating plan and am only rediscovering now that eating can be something to look forward to. You’re in my thoughts as I can very much sympathise.

Re: Daily positives

How are you @Delicatessen ? I'm glad you can look forward to eating.


I'm a bit like @Judi9877  - sort of not really interested in food, but eat for the sake of it. 


Anyway, with my daily positives: 

Today, I finished off some work I was so reluctant to do... that's a huge achievement for me.


How about you @Delicatessen @Judi9877 ?

Re: Daily positives

Hi @tyme and @Judi9877

I’m feeling great. It was lovely of you to ask after me…


I had a great day at work, but nearly messed something up that made me very embarrassed for a while (I was able to rectify which was a relief).


I did manage to cook two of my favourite recipes - one was a very easy lemon chicken bake I would recommend.


And after all that I put the meals away and then had a frozen meal (lasagne)!!


I hope you are both doing okay.

Re: Daily positives

That sounds incredible @Delicatessen !  I'm so glad to hear you are having a great day.


As for your lemon chicken bake... sounds delicious!


I know some people find cooking so relaxing. Unfortunately, I don't YET fit this category LOL.


Any plans for the weekend ahead?


Thinking of you,
