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Re: Daily positives

Hi @tyme 


Got some serious hiking plans. Am seeing a dear friend for morning tea. Then my beautiful kind and wise sibling for lunch. Then followed up by a movie with my best friend. I cannot wait. Such amazing caring and support around me! I forget sometimes…


I hope you have a great weekend in store. Maybe venture outside (doesn’t matter for how long or far) and get amongst it!!

Re: Daily positives

Awww @Delicatessen ,


It melts my heart to see someone speak of their sibling as "beautiful, kind and wise". I'm now thinking how much I take my siblings for granted! Thanks for the reminder!


As for your hiking, go for it! Immerse yourself in nature and make the most of it. Sounds thrilling. I'd be excited to see photos of your surroundings when you do end up going (provided these photos do not show people to preserve anonymity).


But yes, I'm thinking of you and care about you as one in our forums family,


Re: Daily positives


Have had an awesome weekend so far. Life is good right now. Very good.

I hope you’re having a great one too.

Re: Daily positives

Hey @Delicatessen ,


Great to hear you are having an awesome weekend.


I think my body is a little run down because I had a very stressful week last week. So I'm sort of feeling a bit unwell. I've had two RATs each day, so I know it's not COVID. 


Whatever it is, I'm so glad I made it through last week.


Catchya later @Delicatessen - hope tomorrow will be just as good as today!



Re: Daily positives

Not good to hear you’ve been a bit rundown @tyme.

A few years back I took on the practice (in my head only - I didn’t share) of noticing the “moments”. These are good things that happen no matter how small or how often they occur. And they’re free.

Making myself privately acknowledge them helps me keep my head above water when I feel down. And it gave me a new perspective.

I’m not an expert at it and still have to remind myself to do it.

It’s nice to be able to share this with someone. One of the benefits of this site I guess…

Re: Daily positives

hello and hugs @tyme , hope you are feeling a bit better my friend 

hello @Delicatessen@outlander@Judi9877@ArraDreaming 

Re: Daily positives

1. My partner found out today she got the promotion/new role she applied for at her work which is really good news
2. Long weekend having a camp out at our place this weekend (just the boys and I)
3. How good is this weather, might go watch the surf comp tomorrow too

Re: Daily positives

Hi @Shaz51 hope you are well. Looking forward to a great weekend of baking and hiking. Best wishes to you all.

Re: Daily positives

Hi @Delicatessen @outlander @ArraDreaming @Shaz51 @tyme @Daisydreamer @Former-Member @hanami and all forumites here. I hope you are well.


My daily positive today has been spending time working on my crochet granny square blanket which I find to be really relaxing and enjoyable. It’s helping me with my mental health so that’s also a positive as well. 

Take care!


Re: Daily positives

sounds lovley @Judi9877