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Re: Good Morning!

Hello @Former-Member yes things are going ok. I notice you have been a busy bee in the kitchen making Turkish Delight. My parents used to operate a milkbar and we used to sell them in the 1970's. Don't know if they are still available for sale commercially. My parents also use to run a coffee shop several years later. Back then it was really basic you just put wallpaper up yourself, laid the carpets and basically just operate a modest venture. I've been back to those old haunts several times. The milk bar still had pinball machines and the coffee shop still had the same wallpaper but without the signeage on the window. Anyway we used to sell Turkish Delights.I remember the advertisement for them on TV. My brother was a toddler and asked mum and dad if he got Turkish Delighted if he ate it! 🙂

Classic candy commercial from Y&R Melbourne. Kirk Kirkpatrick was the writer and David Morris was the creative director. Find out more about Kirk on Find out more about david at
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Re: Good Morning!

Hey there @SmilingGecko 🌺☺️

Glad to hear things have been going ok there 🙂

yep - a busy time making Turkish delight, and I had 30 pieces to give out today as I visited the doctor..they have lots of reception staff and other allied heath who are all polite and kind when they see you, so I like to share some treats with them now and again.. and when making TD at home, making a small batch is much harder than making a tray..the sugar doesn’t like to stay stable in the pot when it’s a smaller quantity 🙂

thanks for sharing the memory of your parents store - sounds like some good memories 🙂🌺

I do like Fry’s Turkish Delight - your brother’s comment was so sweet! 😊


sometimes I coat these in dark chocolate (no icing mixture on the outside), however it’s a very messy job and takes a very long time, so I tend to do it for special occasions only these days. 
thanks for sharing the advert - I do remember seeing that when I was young! ☺️

If I could I would teleport you some of this one to try 🤗🌺


I hope you have a nice afternoon, and a restful night 🙂💜


Re: Good Morning!

@Former-Member I am progressing that’s what matters. Had a busy day. I hope you are doing well today 💖🫂
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Re: Good Morning!

Yes indeed @creative_writer 🙂💜🌺 feeling things are moving forward makes the effort worthwhile, I tend to think 🤗

Sending you care and compassion, and I hope you can get some good rest tonight 💜🌺

Re: Good Morning!

Morning everyone @TAB @Former-Member @creative_writer @SmilingGecko @MDT @StuF @Meowmy @Appleblossom @Emelia8 @Tilz @Shaz51 

Re: Good Morning!

@Glisten good morning  Glisten, have a good day.

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Re: Good Morning!

Hey there @Glisten 🙂

good morning to you too 💜

I hope your day goes well 🌺

Re: Good Morning!

Good Morning beautiful people!


@Glisten @Former-Member @Meowmy 


I keep waking up early like 2am but I do go to bed early. Can squeeze in 4 hours of spiritual practice from then until brekky. I know someone else in the UFO community who is the same but I think his practices would be more advanced than mine. He runs a ranch in north east Victoria for UFO enthusiasts from all over the world. He has had direct contact with all kinds of alien beings 👽 I have another acquaintance in Uluru who runs a galactic receiving station for Pleiadians. Anyway people think I'm nuts. You bring it up in conversations and folks think you wear a tin foil hat! lol





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Re: Good Morning!

Good morning there @SmilingGecko 🙂🌺

sounds like an early start there for you - I hope your day goes really well 🌺🤗

It’s really cold here where I am in the mornings now..I don’t really want to get out of bed! Hehe 🤭


take good care and hugs to you 🤗🌺

Re: Good Morning!

@Former-Member thanks Doll. I hope today is a good day for you! I'm working on dyeing a knitted dress. I thought a darker color I could get away with so we'll see how I go. Just checking out dylon colors today before I make a decision. Many of the peeps on a budgeting group I belong to dye their clothes to get extra life out of them. Personally I think this dress I have isn't the right color for me but dye can work wonders