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Re: Good Morning!

Hey @Shaz51  sucks about the they normally take time/adjusting before they work as well as intended?


Boooooo to the flu! Fingers crossed it spares you at least (and that it ain't too bad for Mr shaz too, of course)!



Re: Good Morning!

@StuF , no these injections are different to the weight loss ones 

Soo these one are helping by bringing the sugar levels down 

Re: Good Morning!

@Shaz51 has your GP suggested you walk in the late afternoon/evening, that really brings my levels down at night. I was seeing a diabetes educator and to begin with she wanted me walking morning and night plus resistance bands training


As far as I know the resistance bands open up muscle to let the sugars in. I just bought my resistance bands from K-mart. They work really well. I prefer doing resistance bands as soon as I wake up to let the energy start flowing in the mornings apart from directing sugars into muscle.


Its a cheap way to also strengthen your muscle system and make it strong.


I hope you can get your nightly sugar levels down. 10 is a bit high still. FYI my sugars used to be all over the place but they are now reasonably normal ❤️

Re: Good Morning!

Oh no @Shaz51  - I wasn't thinking of the weight loss ones, but you seemed less than enthused with your evening results. Not that I have much idea about good levels...

Re: Good Morning!

Yes @SmilingGecko , I will have to walk more and since we are going to retire at the end of June,  I will have to put walking in daily 


Yes @StuF , a diabetic should be in-between 8 and 10 at night time,  so mine is still a bit high 


How are you @StuF , @SmilingGecko going today xx 

Re: Good Morning!

Well @Shaz51  I hope you get those levels down 🤞😎


I'm alright thanks- tail end of a cold, which never got too bad, but has affected me this week.

Am now just very grateful to be in a heated home! Currently 11 degrees and raining!!!

Re: Good Morning!

21 degrees here at the moment @StuF an it is supposed to go down to 14 overnight 

@SmilingGecko , @Bon_courage , @Glisten , @HelloKitty1981 , @Historybuff , @TAB , @tyme 

Re: Good Morning!

It's about 9 degrees here..... @Shaz51 

Re: Good Morning!

Sounds nice @Shaz51 


Have a great night!

Re: Good Morning!

Brrrrrrrr @tyme 🥶


Sounds like we are going to have a very quiet weekend here @StuF , @tyme with Mr shaz's flu