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Being watched

I have this unnerving feeling that I am being watched/observed/listened to by my psychologist when I am in public. I know it cant be true but i cant relax outside my house. I'm too embarrased to tell anyone. Has anybody had similar experiences? What did you do?


Re: Being watched

Hello @Jed1 Welcome to the forum even if that means you struggle at times.


Sometimes consciousness splits into a watcher and watched.  Sometimes that can be useful and helpful, and give us greater insight and control over ourselves.  That is help in self regulation.  In the past I think many people made the watcher "god" and that had a host of problems.  My guess is to tell yourself that it is not your psychologist, but maybe there are values in the watcher that you want to explore or take on in your own personality and make both parts of your imagination or ego ... a conscious part of you.



Re: Being watched

hi @Jed1 . Welcome.


What you descibe sounds paranoid. Could be a symptom of paranoid delusions from schizophrenia or bipolar. Do you smoke pot? that can increase paranoia.


I've felt watched but anti-psychotic meds helped with that. Do you have a prescribing psychiatrist? I hope so. I spent years in therapy with various psychologists. All their talking therpy just did damage. None of my psychologists ever suggested I see a psychiatrist & try anti-psychotic medication. That was what actually helped with my paranoia and anxiety and so on. 


It sounds like you need the compassion and skill of a good psychiatrist.

Not applicable

Re: Being watched

Hi @Jed1 ,

Thank you for your honesty and reaching out. That does sound like it would be an unnerving experience. I hope you do seek help from someone.


Thank you to the community too for their possibilities. A gentle reminder that, as much as there is a wealth of lived experience here, we can only provide our experience and cannot provide specific advice.


There are lots of possible reasons you are experiencing this @Jed1 and, as none of us are medical professionals, I would always suggest you seek help from a medical professional - regardless of their title they will do their best to help.

Everyone has their different experiences with different professionals and there is no 'right' or 'wrong' answer. I would always say go with someone you feel you can trust - it can start off with a GP or a psychologist or a psychiatrist. 

Hope this helps you on your journey. Take care, thecolourblue

Re: Being watched

@Jed1  I have had similar issues in the past with feeling people are watching me and also being embarrassed to tell someone what is going on. whatever the reason for this, professionals have heard stuff like this before and will likely just talk to you about it in more detail to try and work out what is going on so please dont be scared or embarrassed. if the professional does respond badly it is ok to tell them that you werent happy and you are always entitled to a second opinion. but they are more likely to ask you more questions.