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Don’t no what to do

Gday every one!!


just looking for some sort of support as I am going through very dark lonely time.

I don't no what I am doing as I have isolated myself from rest of the world and hardly talking to anyone. It's been like that for a year and even worse every time I am upset(most of time I am upset btw), I lose all my money gambling.

i hope someone out there I can speak about it finally.


Re: Don’t no what to do


Gambling is not an easy one. Any addiction is never easy. I will share that I had a drug addiction. I was addicted to three different drugs of the illegal kind. I was also an alcoholic. I have been clean and sober for quite a number of years now. In between that I developed a gambling addiction. I have been free from that addiction for many years now. The only addiction I have left is that I smoke cigarettes. 

I beat all these addiction entirely on my own. I am not saying this is what you should do, I am sharing what my journey has been. What I learnt about every single one of my addictions is that they all had one thing in common. It was an escape from things I did not want to deal with. I was running, I wanted an escape, I wanted to feel good, I wanted something to make me feel good, because inside I felt worse than bad. I cannot even describe what I felt inside. 

I also go through periods where I shut out the outside world. I am also currently in a dark place in myself and I need to be by myself for now. That is my journey though. Clearly you are tired of living the way you are. 

I can only suggest things. It is up to you though if you feel comfortable going ahead with any of them.  I highly recommend this site. It is for Australia wide and you can get in touch with people from your state. There is also Lifeline whom you can talk to about your gambling and whatever else you like. 

Lifeline: 131114

I am sorry you are going through such a dark and difficult time. It is you who needs to take the first step. I hope this has been helpful. 

I wish you all the best along your journey. 

Re: Don’t no what to do


Welcome to the forums. I hope you find it a supportive community. You are not alone. There are likely many others on here who are or have been in a similar position to you.

I understand what it is like to be in a dark and lonely place. I too pushed others away thinking they wouldn't understand, or wouldn't be able to help. I still do that a lot. But now I have a few trusted friends and professionals. It is a slow journey to trust people with your innermost secrets and pain, but when you can find the right supports it is worth it. My advice is not to tell too much at once - test the waters first by telling someone you think you want to trust just a little bit of what is upsetting you. Not so much that you feel vulnerable or worried about what they could do with what you told them. Just a taster to let them know that you are struggling and could do with some support. Then see how they respond before telling them more.


In the meantime, the forum is a great place to tell your story, ask for advice, or connect with others going through similar experiences.


Also don't beat yourself about your gambling. It sounds like you are going through a really difficult time at the moment, and are trying to do anything to feel a bit better. Gambling may have its problems, but at the time you did it you were probably in so much pain that it felt like a way to feel better. Good on you for trying to find alternative ways to help deal with your stressors.

Re: Don’t no what to do


Hi and welcome to the forum @Deadman 

If you type @ drop box will appear and you can tag us or alternatively you can type @ and then start by typing their name if you know members that you want to add to the post or connect with. There is a treatment facilty in Sydney that specializes in addictions- its South Pacific Private- ask to speak to someone from assessment. And ask them how they can help you or they can point you in the right direction to get help & support.

Re: Don’t no what to do

@Deadman you are not alone ,believe me Im feeling very loneley too at the moment,Im addicted to tinder at the momment because of communication issues with my own family,but what your going through sounds even more lonely than me right now,sending you hugs ,your not alone with feeling alone,it is difficult not to feel isolated especially in your situation ,gambling wouldnt be easy to deal with either LostAngelSmiley SadHeart

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