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Something’s not right

Senior Contributor

I feel ReaLly sick

I feel Really sick 

i took my daughter out of her school today & enrolled her in a new school 

i don't know if IV made the right decision or the wrong decision 

i feel sick 

the only human connections my daughter & I have besides each other- have just been severed 

my daughter won't grow up with those beautiful children

she won't spend every day seeing her best friends & grow into a teenager with them

i wont see those beautiful parents again 

i feel lost & abandoned 

it took me three years to form a connection with the parents there & now IV just thrown them away & I have nothing- no connections 

i feel Really sick

my daughter is taking it surprisingly well- she doesn't realise that in a few weeks she will be a distant memory to her friends & then forgotten completely

i feel sick did I make the wrong choice or the right choice-

i know it was a choice I did not want to make 

why do I feel so sick 

what if my daughter doesn't make new friends at the new school 

what if she doesn't make as close friends 

what if the parents aren't accepting of me 

I don't even have money for her new uniform because I bought a whole heap of brand new uniform for her other school 

I just feel sick & so displaced

i feel like I'm grieving 

That was a really special school- very unique- beautiful community-

maybe my mental Illness did get it wrong? Maybe my daughter was making it up? Maybe it was all my fault? Maybe I just don't know how to behave? 

I feel so alone & so sick 

mall I know is it could not continue the way it was- but maybe it was all my fault 

maybe I should have left her there 

I don't know what to Think anymore 

i know I'm very sick & don't want to be in this reality anymore 

i feel so alone & I have to be strong for my daughter but I just want to break down & not even exist 

I sent the school an Email saying my daughter wasn't returning & how it was a very hard decision & we will miss the beautiful children, beautiful parents & beautiful staff-& I did not get a return email back- nothing- ha what a joke 

Not applicable

Re: I feel ReaLly sick

Sorry to read you are feeling hopeless about the current situation @Serenity1 

I will be sending you an email shortly. Do let me know if you do not receive it. Regards, thecolourblue

Re: I feel ReaLly sick

Hi @Serenity1, what a really diffcult experience for you and sorry to hear you are feeling so alone.

Leaving a familiar environment, including relationships, is a change to your daily life and it is understandable that these connections feel like a loss. You made a tough decision to support your daughter as best you could. Be kind to yourself and allow time to adjust.

Re: I feel ReaLly sick

That's a huge decision @Serenity1. Big hugs.

I know it's scary to make a big change like this. I'm not sure if I've mentioned before that I've had to move my kids schools more than I would have liked them to move. I felt awful about it especially the last time as it came alongside a lot of other losses for them. It hurt alot. It's so tough to be decision maker for our families all the time and to question what the right thing to do is when it seems there's no right answer.

You've been thinking over this one for a while and you haven't taken it lightly. From what I've read this decision has come from a place of great care and concern for your daughter. I hope there's a part of you that can see that too while all of this self-doubt and all of the tricky feelings are going on.

Re: I feel ReaLly sick

big hugs @Serenity1 HeartHeart

here for you my friend , never forget you are not alone xoxoxo

Re: I feel ReaLly sick

thinking of you @Serenity1

Re: I feel ReaLly sick

Thankyou 💖 @outlander

Re: I feel ReaLly sick

Thankyou 💖 @CheerBear - no you haven't mentioned that to me before- how did your kids cope?- what was the reason you moved ( if u feel comfortable)- Thankyou so much for your support lately it has really helped having your kindness & thoughts- I really appreciate it so much!💖🌺

Re: I feel ReaLly sick

Thankyou @Shaz51 that is so kind of you & you have helped me to feel less alone xxx💖

Re: I feel ReaLly sick

@Ali11 Thankyou so much for your kindness & support 💖
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