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I just got home from hospital.

Warning this could be triggering.



So things haven't been going right for me for a long time. Today a psychotic episode was triggered by a DV situation next door. This is a regular occurrence, and the police and ambulance have been called to that place many times before. Without going into specifics, I was triggered by the screaming and the sound of walls being hit. I eventually snapped and went off at them; apart from whatever happened to them, the police got the ambulance to take me away because I was clearly unwell and had self-inflicted wounds. This had come at the tale of a weekend where I had hourly baths in domestic disinfectant and long showers. As well as trying to clean the house, I had been obsessed with the idea that I was spiritually unclean and needed to be fully cleansed. Anyway, I have the services that were on their way to being put in place brought forward now, and I should have the help I desperately need. It has to get better, and I have faith that it will. 


Re: I just got home from hospital.

Hi @Former-Member, that sounds like a really confronting situation to be hearing and a difficult experience you went through yourself. I'm really glad to hear you received the help you needed though, that there's more help on the way and you're doing a little better now. Take Care 🌸 

Re: I just got home from hospital.

Hell @Former-Member I'm so sorry to see you have had a really difficult time this past week or so. It's difficult when you can try your best to make your home and life trigger free, and some outside influences set off your triggers. 
I too was recently-ish in hospital. One was an overnight stay, and another was a 10 day forced incarceration in a mental facility(danger to myself not others) I realised I needed that intervention. Another strange thing is when you go from doctors and mental health professionals and nurses being around you all day long, to then being back to "reality". So I hope in this time, when you have just had a really intense experience, you remember to try and be gentle to yourself. Take that extra long nap. Watch that tv show. Take perhaps a soothing bath with maybe some bath salts or lavender. Take care and I'm glad you could share your story. 

Re: I just got home from hospital.



oh I'm so sad to hear about all of that happening.... relieved that you are getting help and that you recognised some of your thoughts and behaviours as a warning sign. So good when we can remain self aware, even if it's only in a tiny corner of our mind.


many hugs


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