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Re: My special place

I can't win. I do so much for her yet I am still in the bad books. She is so judgmental and I'm just meant to take it. My MH issues makes it hard for her. Her words exactly.

Hard also when she says to me that she wants to die. 

Re: My special place

I’m sorry she said that @Snowie . Does it ever occur to her that your mh makes life hard for you and is only exacerbated by her cruel comments.


Do you want to join me in a cuppa?



Re: My special place

Hi @Eve7 

I really don't think she cares how it affect's me. She has no filter. It's always about her.

A cuppa sounds nice.

How are you going? How is it going at home with your family?

Re: My special place

Hey @Snowie 


That's an awful thing to hear anyone say, much less your own mum.

It speaks volumes of your own compassion and empathy that you're still able to care for her despite this.


I'm actually just making myself a cuppa now and am here sitting with you

Re: My special place

My family are just lazing around doing nothing @Snowie although gs2 starts work today at a pizza place. He’s the only one motivated to work but he’ll work hard.


I just had tomatoes (from my garden) on toast for lunch and they were delicious.


Your mum won’t ever change so please try and ignore her nastiness.

Re: My special place

Thanks @Ru-bee 

Thats in between all the nasty comments she makes. She told me today that my tattoo looks awful. I told her thanks, I've had it for the last 4 years.


How is your day going?

Re: My special place

I hope it goes well for gs2 @Eve7. Hopefully if he works well they will see how valuable he is.


Home grown tomatoes sound nice. I always like home grown fruit/vegies better but not good at keeping things alive. I brought some strawberries from a farm today. They are yummy.


I know she won't change. I should be used to it by now.

Re: My special place

Hard to accept such cruel remarks from your mother @Snowie . I don’t think my mother has noticed my only tattoo as I’m  sure she’d make a similar comment.

Re: My special place

@Eve7 @Snowie I know my mum hates my tattoos and was pretty vocal about it for years. 

Those sort of remarks can really sting. I feel like sometimes mothers know just what to say to get under your skin like no one else can...



Re: My special place

I have 4 tattoos plus a whole sleeve @Eve7 so you could say I like them!!

I know she doesn't like them, but what's the point in continuing to tell me. I'm an adult, it's my body, my choice. 


I'm sorry your mum would say something similar.


@Ru-bee I'm used to her criticising me. She has been doing it since I was a child, I should be used to it by now. One of the issues is she tells me things about my own kids too. That's where I draw the line. She is not going to disrespect them like she does me.


Yet I am meant to be there at her beckon call. To drop everything just for her. Doesn't matter that she lives with us for free. Been like that for over 17 years. Is it mean that sometimes I just wish she was in a nursing home and not know who I am?