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Re: What to do

Hi @Eden1919 , I'm not too sure what to say but I just wanted to say hi and let you know I'm thinking of you. I hope you're okay, take care

Re: What to do

@Former-Member @Calmblueocean @Former-Member  thanks everyone, I just got out of the hospital today and frankly i dont feel any better all i feel is that it is better to just shut up and that there is no point even trying. they asked before they discharged me why i was being so quiet, i didnt answer but what is the point of talking when no one will listen anyway. i tried telling them but they just keep ignoring everything no one can help anyway i tried so hard but they just said we cant help come back if you become unsafe again, i told them i felt the same as before i was taken to the hospital in the first place. no one ever listens and i know i am good at hiding things but i cant i just i am so tired and so fed up everywhere i turn no one will listen i cant see my psychiatrist for another 3 weeks and i am supposed to be meeting a new psychologist soon but what is the point i am so exhausted. 

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Re: What to do

@Eden1919 I'm so sorry, please stay safe and take care of yourself, I understand that's easier said than done though. Thinking of you, wish I could help

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Re: What to do

@Eden1919 , while I am glad to hear from you, I am sorry this whole experience hasn't left you feeling any better.  I do see strength in you though and I hope you will continue to try as hard as it is for you to get help. 💛

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Re: What to do

Hi @Eden1919 


I'm so sorry you had such a disappointing and exhausting experience in hospital. Smiley Sad It seems like you were feeling incredibly unheard, ignored and dismissed. That is awful - I'm so sorry to hear that! Smiley Sad


Please try your very best to keep safe and let us know if you are not!




Re: What to do

Good morning @Eden1919


I'm sorry that you are feeling so unheard Smiley Sad


How are you going today? 

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Re: What to do

@Eden1919 how are you? If you don't want to talk/need some space, I understand and that's ok. I'm here if you need someone

Re: What to do

@Former-Member @Former-Member @Former-Member @Jupiter  hi sorry for the late reply thanks you all I am just struggling to be on the forums at the moment actually I am just struggling with everything. I don’t really have much of an update except that things are still the same and I am still not going ok I met with a psychologist though but I am still not sure if they will work out or not. My head is a mess and I can’t write much today, I hope you are all going ok or at least managing in some way and sorry I can’t be more supportive at the moment. 

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Re: What to do

@Eden1919 no need to apologise, I understand and I'm sure others do too.


Thinking of you, sorry I can't help much. Be safe and take care of yourself. We're here for you if/when you want to return

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Re: What to do

Ohh sweetie, I am so sorry you are stilling struggling, but you are strong and you can do this. I am glad you are taking the time to  take care of you. Sending you gentle hugs. @Eden1919 

Illustration of people sitting and standing

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