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advice for loneliness and isolation

Hi first time poster,
I'm wondering if anyone has any advice for dealing with loneliness and isolation? I'm 33, schizophrenia sufferer, unemployed and my studying has been deferred until march 1st. I do have some friends, but usually i see them once a week only as they all work full time. During the week i am on my own, feels like i'm stuck in the house most of the time (been living in melbourne) and the small things i used to do to socialise i can't do anymore. For example, playing basketball in a team, going to church, etc. Just wondering if anyone has some advice to feel more connected to the community?



Re: advice for loneliness and isolation

Hi Friend Lost Angel here welcome to the forums, maybe try video chatting with people you know

Re: advice for loneliness and isolation

Hi @nath2 ,

Welcome to the forums. I also have schitzophrenia and am unemployed. I do voluntary work at Vinnies 3 days a week to alleviate loneliness and to keep me connected to the community. I've made new friends and am learning new skills. Since I have been on the forums I haven't felt so isolated. Do the restrictions allow you to voluntary work?

There are many different threads on the forums, feel free to explore. The Friday feast is on this evening, feel free to come and join the conversation. 

I hope to see you around the forums.

Take care

Schitzo 🌷 xx

Re: advice for loneliness and isolation

Hey @nath2  loneliness and isolation is horrible and must be especially difficult being in melbourne. 

Is your church doing online connect group type things? I know it’s not the same as physically being around people, but my church did zoom midweek small groups, which certainly helped in keeping people connected. 

As others have said- doing some volunteer work may help? 

Re: advice for loneliness and isolation



Welcome to the forums.

 I hear you that living in Melbourne can be lonely and isolating.


For me I have been connected with online community groups.


If any of your community groups have gone online, try to connect online. I have found that whilst it's not the same as face to face contact, it is contact with the outside world by going to online meetings.


also do you have any hobbies that you can do at home that you are interested in?

Re: advice for loneliness and isolation

i really can't get into online community. Its not the same for me i need to speak to humans face to face. But things are coming back slowly to melbourne, just need to hang in there i guess. Volunteering or something might be good for me, i just can't handle lots of stress in the workplace.

Re: advice for loneliness and isolation

Hi @nath2 

So glad you reached out.

Im sure you have been hearing that this is a hard time so so many, however it doesn't mean your stuggle is any less. I does take alot of strength to reach out like you have and I comend you for that! 🙂

When I have felt alone in the past and others are busy with their lives I have found comfort in creating things like drawing and painting or even watching youtube clips on the some of the amazing artwork or creations that some others have done, which has given me insperation to make something of my own.

Also I hear that you like going to church which has been difficult during these times. However watching online church sermans and meditating can help you still stay connected and hear the word of God. I hope this has help some.

Please feel free to reach out and stay connected with this site or myself. 


Thanks K8tie

Re: advice for loneliness and isolation

@nath2 Daniel Andrews has 'unlocked' the 25km


Doesn't affect me I'm agoraphobic..

I don't have any 'friends' always at home or at work




Re: advice for loneliness and isolation

thanks i saw that today. Allows me to see my parents at least now and life is starting to get back to normal in melbourne now which is good.

Re: advice for loneliness and isolation

I'm not good at art,although ive wanted to try and paint, you just need so many items to get started that it overwhelms me. Some good ideas though! thanks
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