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Casual Contributor

Re: New member


Yes please 🙏 

Re: New member

Welcome to the group @Jjk, i'm sure you'll find everyone here as friendly and supportive as I have.


@Jjk wrote:

I'm trying to navigate these pages, my brain struggles with the required effort to understand the information.

I've sort of (very) unofficially volunteered myself as an assistant tech support, so if you have any questions about using the site, ask away and I'm happy to help you... as are many others here.


Re: New member



am 58 living in a large town but grew up in a smaller one. Good to see you have hobbies and interests like gardening i write short stories not having a yard to speak of....

Casual Contributor

Re: New member

Hello @Alittleorange

Short stories sound interesting?

Do you post any on here, I'd like to have a read sometime if I may?


Im guessing that you know what small country towns can be like for people with mental illness/challenges? Living in a fish bowl basically, my neighbours don't speak to me haha some days I think it's not so good but on other days I'm thinking phew! So glad they don't speak to me haha. I remind myself that I feel safe where I am and not something to take for granted.


Im in south Western Australia, in a bio diverse hot spot, I keep forgetting, that's pretty cool, especially during spring :ok_hand:

Re: New member



biodiverse sounds great for a gardener. cannot even locate a snake around here.


I am in the process of editing my stories so they are a bit raw, some people it seems can put pen directly to paper and end up with an artists sketch, not so me. Am not sure if you can attach stories here as am only new to the whole group.


You are correct though, in a small town your business is everybody's, and when trouble strikes in some forms like poor physical health people understand, poor mental health makes you a bit of a loon or something. hopefully this forum will open some doors for you in a like-minded world.



Senior Contributor

Re: New member

Hello @Jjk 

How are you and your little garden today?
I live in a small-ish country town too, but not far from other small towns and a bigger town, so I’m not exactly what could be called isolated in that way.

I’m isolated because I live by myself and find it very difficult being alone at home. I have had bad anxiety for a few weeks now which is very tiring so I often can’t be bothered making any effort to go out. That’s really my only excuse for not going out, as I usually feel better away from home and I can drive and have a car. I do love to be outside and in nature but gardening doesn’t work for me because of leg problems and getting on the ground.

I’ve found some very nice people to talk with here - and I’m sure you will too - but I’m still finding moving about the forum difficult

i hope you’re feeling better when you’re reading this. Bye 👋 

Casual Contributor

Re: New member



Hi there

My garden today are going okay, the weeds keep coming, frustrating but that's gardening I guess. Im unable ti as much I would like in it. I've learnt to do a little at a time.

I understand how the anxiety can be and living alone and getting out of the house.

I managed to go for a drive just to be in nature. The spot I go is so peaceful, although usually frequently used. A lovely lady stopped and said hello which lifted my spirit.


Today I'm having a first visit from an acquaintance I met through a gardening group. I tend to stick to just myself but that has become not so ideal for my well-being.

It has taken me about 4 years to be around people again. Tricky for me navigating different personalities. 

Im learning to focus on those that show some type of compassion, kindness and empathy. A sense of humour is fairly useful as well haha


It has definitely helped having members messaging on here, thank you. Hope your day is peaceful

Re: New member



how are you today. Saw your last post and am glad you are not a roundup fiend as a weeder.


It took me quite a few years to decide mixing with people was ok after my schizophrenia diagnosis, and I am still careful about it, and who I disclose the details of my condition to. Sometimes people press though, some are like that and I say I had some epilepsy (which I did) as schizophrenia is seen by some as quite malicious.


I do not have a car so cannot take myself to remote places but like to get on the train and have a 24 year old son that lives about three hours away by train, he is a great kid so my breaks often take me there.


Anyway, keep on writing and hopefully you will make some more acquaintances on SANE.

Casual Contributor

Re: New member


Hi, Im going ok thank you, hope you are as well.


Yes, diagnosis brings about its own complexities.

Im at a point now that I feel I could attend the quiz show 'Mastermind' using my condition as my special subject. It would be a way to bring about awareness for viewers, for those that had some interest.


Im glad you can get on the train and have a change of scenery.

It must be nice to have family to visit and spend time with.


I've recently connected via fb with a cousin that I hadn't seen for about 35 years. Her being a nurse,  I feel has helped with understanding my situation, thankfully.


I had an acquaintance call 'round for a cuppa yesterday and it went smoothly so I'm happy that I'm making small steps in the right direction 🙂


Thank you for your message, hope your evening/day is peaceful.

Re: New member





I got the mastermind buzz with my epilepsy, schizophrenia was second time round and I learned to be more coy about it.


Am taking the train to Melbourne Wednesday to see my son, je is just finishing uni and due to start his first job soon, big days.


Lucky you have a nurse as a cousin, they are at least empathetic if not knowledgeable. 


Kepp the doors open and hopefully in time the breeze blowing in will seem fresher.



