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Re: My Mosaic

Please rest up! Hope you don't get sick because of the weather @Bow .


I'm thinking of you and hope you are snuggled up warmly. Did D go with you today? Or was she with her dad?

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Thanks @tyme  i was indeed snuggled up in bed. It was like winter again yesterday. So cold. 
D was with us yesterday. She likes market most times. She just sits around on the iPad!  We usually go for a walk to the local mall- it’s 5 mins from the market, but we couldn’t go yesterday, needed to stay around cause of the wind.


hope your week is productive!

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Yeah I’m looking forward to going overseas again @Snowie more memories with my daughter. Mum and I sat down last night and worked on an itinerary…. It’s stressful planning!  I feel confident going back to London. We’ve been before and we worked out the subway quickly. But Paris! That’s a whole nother thing! Plus the language barrier! 

Re: My Mosaic

I'm so happy for you @Bow that you are planning an amazing trip.

Hopefully the language barrier isn't too much. I remember when I went to Japan I thought I would have a problem, but lots talked English, especially in the tourist areas.


Are you up to much today?

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

I’m sitting outside in the sun waiting for my schema group to start @Snowie  its actually on today and the facilitator knows about my attempt last week 😩

I don’t feel great today. Sore and tired and all fuzzy in the head, so not sure how much I will have to offer. But I am here. 

what are you up to?

Re: My Mosaic

You turned up @Bow thats more then others would. I'm sure you have a lot to offer.

Maybe the facilitator knowing is a good thing. She can make sure the conversation doesn't trigger you or maybe even help.


Went and brought an iron (mine decided to stop working) and thats about it. Got S home from school not feeling well. Did a covid test but was negative.


How many hours does your group go for?



Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

@Jynx You around or are you busy backstage?

Peer Support Worker

Re: My Mosaic

Hey @Bow just saw the pictures and polymer clay plants you've made recently - looks amazing!!! so excited for you, looks like you're going to be busy with some sales. 

How are you going? 

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

I don’t remember the last time I used an iron @Snowie  except to put an iron on transfer onto a tshirt! 

group goes for 2hrs. We always do a check in first, talk about incidents where we have been aware of modes and schemas. That took over an hr today and there was only the 2 of us! Then we took a 5 min break and then did a guided imagery exercise. Then it was time to go. I was asked to stay back though and talk to my old psych/facilitator 

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Thanks @rav3n 


im not long home from my schema group. Just laying on my bed, feeling heaps raw, vulnerable, worn out and a bit confused. 

how r u?